Minox Consumer Tests

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

I ask the same question as MT regarding the Minox GTE\GTX. As yet I am unable to find any information as to the performance of these cameras (apart from the obviously prejudicial write up from the makers). If this is the "fine" camera that some people seem to think it is it would be very satisfying to see the findings of a decent test.....Has anyone out there ever seen a product report?

-- John Southerst (johnjill@bc.sympatico.ca), December 31, 1998


The Minoxar MC lens of Minox GT-E is sharp, but that is only half the story. Minxo GT-E also has a unique precision film plane, unlike most other 35mm cameras. For detail see my January column: Minox GT-E Film Plane Architecture.

-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), January 02, 1999.

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