why can't windows media player open .dat file?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Thanks for the forum. I got several video cds recently, but can not view them because windows media player won't recognize the format. Anybody had same problem before?

Thanks a lot.


-- (hongbo@earthlink.net), December 29, 1998


You can get a VCD player at this adress : http://www.seller-club.com/mpegplayer/Main.htm

-- Sothavath AN (san@adobe.com), December 30, 1998.

Make sure you have active movie installed, if you don't get one! configure it so they can play .dat extention

-- Graendry Esasta (esasta@pusatbisnis.com), January 02, 1999.

I have media player2 in my machine(WIN98).This plays all .dat files with out any problem.

-- Senthil S Kumaran (sskumaran@hotmail.com), January 25, 1999.

Hey I have Media Player insalled and cofigured for MPEG's and not totally, for .dat's how do you do that because on my sys it can not recognise the format of the .dat on my VCD.

-- Gus (h.enigma@flash.net), May 29, 2000.

omg u losers u dont no how to open dat files?!?! u gay cunts

-- Homer Simpson (fdsf@fgds.com), April 18, 2004.

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