Technical Pan : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread

Experience with Technical Pan Develop Technical Pan with Rodinal Develop Technical Pan with Microdol TP and Xtol Other developers.

-- martin tai (, December 27, 1998


Tech Pan with Microphen developer: Dilute 1+5, EI 32, 14 minutes, 75 deg. F, agitate 5 sec every 30 sec.

-- Tim Brown (, January 07, 1999.

Agfa fine grain BW developer Rodinal-Special 1cc + 80 cc distilled water; Minox tank, 20 degree C 15 minutes.. EI 32. Agitation: eye dropper recyle- replenish.

-- mt (, January 19, 1999.

Disolve 56g of sodium sulphite in 1 litre of distilled water. 1 cc Rodinal + 100 cc sodium sulphite dilute to make 1:100 strength Rodinal developer. 6 minute at 20 degree C.

-- mt (, January 31, 1999.

Try also using an infants medicine dropper, they are bigger and easier to clean. It works great for the thin soups that are used for the fine grain developing.

-- Warren Yee (, April 03, 1999.

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