High Precision Minox Slittergreenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread |
Minox Slitter
The Minox slitter is a high precision cutting tool for slitting 8x11mm format film from any suitable 35mm film stocks and vastly expands the type of films available for Minox photographer. Minox slitter is made of black anodized aluminium, 3.5 x 4.9 x 14.5 cm dimension, it consists of a flat bed jig, its one end holds a 35mm film cartridge; slide the film leader into a film channel, preventing it moving sideways or up-down; the film passes under a blade assembly with three rasor sharp blades and attached to a 40 mm long 20mm diameter removable cylinder mounted on a crank shaft. The cylinder has two raised ridge, leaving exactly 35mm space for the film, allowing exact film positioning. By cranking the handle and pull the film throught the film channel while pressing the blade plunger down, a 35mm film will be slitted into four strips: two useable center strips plus two perforation strip to be discarded. Due to the high precision metal contruction , the 8x11mm film strips cut from Minox slitter are straight, no visible wobbling, hence every negative frame on a film cut from it has top and bottom borders; a feature hard to achieve with other type of slitter. It is worth it. Use with care, a Minox slitter will last forever. There are two sheets of instructions, one in English, one in German, all bearing Minox GmbH- Fed.Rep.Germany--- obviously an old stock item.
-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), December 25, 1998
Who makes the Minox slitter ? The Minox slitter is made by ACMEL, Japan. ACMEL stands for Asumura Camera and Mechanical Laboratory. Asunura also makes third party lenses. ACMEL once made over 2 million ACMEL spy cameras using the Minox cassette.
-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), January 05, 1999.
I checked at the Minox website, the slitter is quite expensive. Is there any lower cost alternatives ?
-- Bob Nielson (bjn118@comcam.com), January 21, 1999.
Check out http://members.aol.co m/xkaes/splitter.htm for an interesting way to make your slitter.
-- Tony Rowlett (rowlett@alaska.net), January 21, 1999.
Another interesting slitter project: New Slitter Design
-- mt (cg081@torfree.net), February 04, 1999.
Martin, are there any films that you cannot slit using the slitter? The reason I ask is I got a slitter, and slit a couple of rolls of tri-x, and somehow the bottom rubber bed seemed to be gouged out or something. There were some pieces of it sticking up. Have you heard of this before? I got a replacement slitter, but I'm afraid to slit tri-x anymore. What about the tmax films?
-- Tony Rowlett (rowlett@alaska.net), February 12, 1999.
Tony, I had similar problem before slitting Ilford Pan F+ film; the edge of film chippped off, some embedded into the rubber bedding of of slitter. I peel off the rubber pad, and replaced it with apiece of Avery self adhersive label paper, replace a set of slitter, now it works fine. I don;t know how thick the Tri-x is. It seems to me the slitter handles film with well with thickness under 5 mil. When cranking the handle, I try to crank as fast as possible and none stop. I have used up a 50' roll of Agfapan 25, so far no problem.Avoid slitting film thicker than 5.5 mil as Minox camera film gate was not designed to handle thick film.
-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), February 12, 1999.
From my own experience, I feel that the rubber pad of the original slitter is too soft, when the film was pull over the blades, the rubber pad yielded, and left a mark longer than it should be; when slitting next strip of film, the support under the blades may not be enough, making the film harder to cut. At first, I replaced the rubber pad with a piece of thick transparent industrial self sticking tape; it worked for a few times, then film chips happend afterward, due to the same reason; padding too soft. Since I replace it with Avery tape (the kind used for printing labels on envelop ), the cut marks marks under the blades remain precisely the same shape, I think the paper provides better support, and never encouter broken film problem. My analogy: it is hard ot cut apiece of paper on top of a foam; much easier to slice paper on top of a piece of cardboard.
-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), February 13, 1999.
An interesting home made Eiki Takahashi slitter
-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), April 11, 1999.
The following is a OCR SCAN of Minox slitter user manualThe one sheet/two page Minox slitter manual is scanned at 800 dpi then using OCR software to decode into ASCII text, in conjuction with Microsoft Word spelling checker to correct mis-decoded words.
The diagrams are cut out from the original scan. Then combined with the text to reconstruct the user manual. Although this is not an exact replica, but all the info is intact.
This OCR scan loads much faster and takes up much less disk space
MINOX GmbH Postfach (P.O.B.) 1007 61 D-35337 Giessen / Fed. Rep. Germany Tel.: (+49) 641 -60 58 0 Fax: (+49)641-60 68 105
Owner's Manual
to cut MINOX 8x11 films from standard 135 film cartridges.
This film slitter is a device for slitting 35 mm film from a standard 135 cartridge into strips of 9.2 mm (3.2 in.) width for use with ultra-miniature cameras as MINOX TLX and EC.
Minox film cassettes can so be filled with the film emulsion you prefer.
Perform all processes in the darkroom or dark-box to avoid fogging the film. When processing the film, avoid scratching or getting it dusty,
1. Minox film lengths 36 exp.: 59 cm / 23,2 in. 15 exp.: 32 cm / 12,6 in.
As the length of the film cannot be measured in the darkroom, it is recommended to prepare a scale (e.g. cardboard) in the aforementioned lengths and use it as a guide to cut the film.
2. Number of rolls you can cut from
a 36 exp. 135 film: 4 rolls of 36 exp. and 2 rolls of 1 5 exp. or 8 rolls of 15 exp. a 24 exp. 135 film: 2 rolls of 36 exp. and 2 rolls of 15 exp. or 6 rolls of 15 exp.
3. Items to prepare for the darkroom - film slitter - 35 mm film - empty components of Minox film cassettes. Ensure that the caps of both sides are removed,
-scale - 2 adhesive tapes of width 0,5 cm (0,2 in.), length 4 cm (1.57 in) and 1,5 cm (0.6 in) - Scissors 4. Preparation In the darkroom a) Cut the tip of the 35 mm film so it will have a straight end.
b) Pull out the Rim about 1 cm/0,4 in, and pass it through under the roller of the slitter keeping the emulsified side facing upwards, then slide it under the guide ran. Keep the emulsion side on the inside while taping the tip of the film to the spool with adhesive tape. (fig. 1) This completes the procedures to prepare for the darkroom. Take the slitter, empty cassettes, caps (without hole), scissors and cardboard scale (to determine the cut length) with you when you enter the darkroom.