Organizations/Communities in Other Countries : LUSENET : Year 2000 Community Prep Directory : One Thread

If you would like your entire country listed in this directory in a manner similar to the United States and Canada, please contact the manager. If you'd simply like to list yourself or your particular y2k community preparedness organization/contact information, please read the intstructions, and follow a similar format before posting your information. The basic idea is to use a "top down" approach: Country; State/Province; Region; City/town or local area; contact person; email/other contact info; web site url. (The object is simple continuity.)

And remember to "add an alert" (by clicking the link that says that, way down at the bottom of the main screen/list), if you'd like to be emailed the information others list here in the future.

-- Bill (, December 19, 1998


-- Bill (, June 10, 1999.

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