Where to buy Minox equipment & suppliesgreenspun.com : LUSENET : Minox Photography : One Thread |
Where is comvenient place to buy Minox equipment, like camera, tripod, enlarger etc.
-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), December 18, 1998
For current production Minox cameras and accesoriesMINOX GmbH
carries the most complete lines of Minox 8x11, 35mm cameras,accesories and Minox 9.4mm filmSWS a prime source of Minox cameras, accessories and books.
In Toronto: Eight Elm Photo Video at 8 Elm Street, Toronto, Ontario phone 416 597 6638, fax 416 597 6639. 2 block north of Eaton Centre on Yonge Street. website :
Another excellent photographic equipment shop is
966 Dundus Street E. Unit #1, Missisauga, Ontario, Canada L4Y 4H5 Tel 905-273-3225
For used Minox gears, the best place to shop is Many rare and hard to find Minox equipment, such as Riga Minox, Riga Minox development tank, Minox enlarger I, Minox 110 etc all turned up on eBay. All kinds of Minox accesories such as Minox tripod, projector, binocular clamp, tripod adapter, cube flash, electronics flash etc.
NOTE: Minox FAQ forum has no relationship with any of the sources listed here.
-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), December 18, 1998.
A Minox dealer in Hong Kong
-- martin tai (martin.tai@capcanada.com), August 20, 1999.
Don Goldberg at DAG Camera Repair 2451 Thatcher Lane McFarland WI 53558 608-838-4769 www.dagcamera.com is now selling like new Minox and Leica camera parts. The website has a partial listing. Don also has many parts that are not yet posted on his website. He also does Minox and Leica camera repair.
-- Heidi Budden (budden@msn.fullfeed.com), September 27, 2001.