DC260 - what's next?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I like what I hear (and see) about the DC260 and am ready to buy. Before I make the jump can anyone comment on when the 260 will be replaced / upgraded?

I work in the computer biz and things change fast. The 260 has been out for a while now and I don't want to buy an obsolete camera.


-- Steve Ireland (sireland@turtlebeach.com), December 16, 1998


I'm a scientist, we do a lot of digital imaging in our metallurgical laboratory using Kodak EOS-1c 6.0 mega pixel cameras and Kodak DCS 410 1.5 megapixel cameras, approximate costs of $30K and $7K respectively. Now about the DC260--buy it right now. It is, without any doubt, the best camera out there for point-an-shoot simplicity and great images. It is the state-of-the art! For a brief description and comparison go to www.gmia.com.

-- tom yentzer (thy@mto.infi.net), December 27, 1998.

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