Dress Patterns

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

I have been having this sent to my e-mail for so long, I feel like I know you guys!

If anyone out there is interested and good with a needle and thread, Simplicity has patterns for the jump dress and the sinking dress. That way you can customize. I found the pattern at Walmart for around $11. You can see the picture at http://simplicitypatt.com/catsimp.html

Unfortunately, I didn't find this before Halloween, but I could never in a million years get the kind of money for J. Peterman! I believe this route would be significantly less expensive.

Happy Posting, and I would love to join you in the anniversary chat!


Rebecca Fox

-- Rebecca Fox (beckiyowee@hotmail.com), December 07, 1998


Simplicity pattern no. 8640 looks like an accurate copy of Rose's flying dress.

-- Carolyn (anna@dot.net), April 10, 1999.

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