All In A Question? (Topics of interest) : LUSENET : MEd Cohort III : One Thread

The following questions and topics pertain to "potential" areas of interest to research...

1. Would classroom participation and involvement improve if the students designed their assignments...In essence what aspects of my current curriculum can be changed to create higher quality work from my students?

2. Examine the benefits and pitfalls of our education system for "minority" students. Why are numerous "minority" students (according to national statistics provided by the Education Department) dropping out of high school. How many minority students, on average, over the last ten years have dropped out of Central High School and the Duluth School District compared to "white" students? How does this compare to the national average? Is there a major discrepancy? If there is a discrepancy, what can be done to change this occurrence?

3. Are programs like leadership, C.A.P.T, students are concerned, D.A.R.E., etc., effective in the high school setting? What are student reactions to these programs?

4. How is technology changing the way we teach nationally and locally? Is this having a positive effect or is it just "tokenism."

5. Is technology widening the gap between the "have" and "have nots?" Which students according to SES, color, gender, has access to the Internet and is this a valuable assessment to utilize when determining a widening gap or no gap at all?

These are several questions that I have created that analyze several of my interest areas. My preferred areas of interest are topics dealing with technology, multicultural aspects of education (minority drop out rate, racial segregation, race, ethnicity, etc.), the effectiveness of my current curriculum, and the effectiveness of extra-curricular activities. Is there anyone out there with the same or similar thoughts?

-- Anonymous, November 30, 1998

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