Dresses from J. Peterman - are they real?

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Does anyone know if the dresses from the J. Peterman catalog are the dresses that were ACTUALLY worn by Kate in Titanic? Or are they just reproductions? Thanks. I'd love to get my hands on at least something that was used in the film, and if it were a dress that would be even more perfect.

-- Kelly (foo@bar.com), November 27, 1998


Sorry, Kelly, but the originals were sold last year when the movie first came out. J. Peterman is now offering reproductions of Rose's and Jack's costumes and other costume accessories like Ruth's boarding hat as well the whole line of Titanic crystal and china as well as other items. Here's an example: Rose's "Jump" dress sold for $10,000 originally; the reproduction "Jump" dress is priced at $2,000. It's pricey, but there are affordable items. Check out the J. Peterman website for details.

-- Kathleen Marcaccio (dkosh@msn.com), November 27, 1998.

Thanks Kathleen. Do you know how many of these reproductions are being made? I'd like to get my hands on one for Christmas but I don't know if they would be sold out by then. I'm thinking maybe they have only made a couple, or that they have a ready - to - work seamstress ready to take orders. If you knew it would help a lot! I wrote them an e-mail, but I don't think they know - they haven't responded. Thanks!

-- Kelly (foo@bar.com), November 28, 1998.

Well, at our local store, they had only one "Jump" dress on display (but they could have had more in the back) plus a rack with multiple sizes of a couple other "Titanic" dresses. I would imagine that to be cost effective they had these dresses mass-produced to a point. But really, I couldn't hazard a guess. Try calling the J. Peterman catalog order number at 800-231-7341 (7 a.m. to 2 a.m. Eastern Time weekdays and weekends). I'm sure they can help you. Good luck!!!

-- Kathleen Marcaccio (dkosh@msn.com), November 28, 1998.

Well, I called. No more dresses. :-( The closest J. Peterman store for me is at South Coast Plaza, in Newport, so I called there. Seems that the Titanic dresses, hats, jewelry, etc. just opened 4, yes 4, days ago, and all the dinner dresses are SOLD OUT! And to add insult to injury, everything was sold out except for her kimono, pink coat, and 2 sinking dresses, which weren't even my size. The only size was a 4 and a 12. I guess I really didn't have a chance, I mean the dinner and jump dresses were both $2000. And I aslo called the catalog with the last ounce of hope that I might have, and they said there were no other dresses to order. By the time I had called, the 2 sinking dresses were already taken! And I called merely 5 or 10 minutes later. Turns out my nearest store had only made 13 dinner dresses. Imagine, 13 people, maybe more, came in within 4 days with $2000 to spare. Geesh. Maybe I could ask them to lend me some. Hey, that's an idea!Oh well. Kathleen, where is your nearest store? What other dresses were there? Do you know where you live if there is any way onthis earth that I might be able to have a miracle for Christmas? Oh God, I sound desperate, don't I? Okay I'll stop. I hate to be the bearer of bad news guys, but I guess that's it. It's not the end of the world though. I still consider myself mighty lucky. :-)

-- Kelly (foo@bar.com), November 29, 1998.

I remember reading in a magazine back in January that they were selling all the actual dresses that Kate wore to try and make back the $300 million it cost to make the movie. The sinking dress alone sold for $64,000 USD. Little did they know what a major success the movie would become and the dress could probably be sold for double that amount to some dedicated fan. And I mean dedicated with a capital "D". There's no way on God's green earth I'd spend over $100,000 on a dress, even if Kate did wear it in my favourite movie.

-- Emma (dilemma76@hotmail.com), November 30, 1998.


The J. Peterman store in the Detroit, Michigan area is just 3 miles from my house. I'm planning to be out at that mall (The Somerset Collection) tomorrow evening and will check out the store inventory and let you know what I find.

I'm surprised that the dresses have gone so fast. I can't imagine paying that kind of money!!! (I've been a Gone With The Wind collector for many years, attending several events a year, and I've never been inclined to have a replica gown made as many of my fellow "Windies" have done. I'd rather spend my money on real memorabilia.)

Will let you know....


-- Kathleen Marcaccio (dkosh@msn.com), November 30, 1998.

Went to the J. Peterman store this evening. Lo and behold!! Found that they had sold the only "Jump Dress" they had...today....to a "famous skater." My guess is that it was bought by Tara Lipinski since she lives and trains in the area. She is the most famous skater in the area, although someone else could have been visiting!?!!

And they got in some stock of other costumes that weren't there during my last two visits. Here's what is in the store as of about 7pm Tuesday, December 1:

>> Rose's Boarding Dress $695 5 in stock (sizes 6, 10, 12, and one on the mannequin)

>> Rose's Purple Hat $350 2 in stock

>> Pink Coat $2000 4 in stock (sizes 6, 8, 10, 12)

>> Rose's Post-Sketching Dress (which she then wore through the rest the movie)

-- Kathleen Marcaccio (dkosh@msn.com), December 01, 1998.

continuing where I left off....

$975 1 in stock (size 10)

This store is located in Troy, Michigan (just north of Detroit) and can be reached at (248)649-2263. They will take orders over the phone and ship them out of state.

Hope this information is helpful. If anyone buys something, please let me know.

-- Kathleen Marcaccio (dkosh@msn.com), December 01, 1998.

I would like to see those dresses on the net any sites with pics? When was the "Jump" dress I can't think what that means.

-- Lisa Gardiner (gardinerlisa@hotmail.com), December 04, 1998.

The "Jump Dress" is the wine and black evening gown that Rose is wearing as she attempts to jump off the back of the ship.

-- Kathleen Marcaccio (dkosh@msn.com), December 04, 1998.

Well, I visited my local J. Peterman store at Fashion Island in Newport. They were all out of the jump dress and dinner dress, the only ones I was considering. They did have the boarding dress, and I must say it is quite stunning up close! I wanted to take it home but I'm afraid the price tag held me back. My my, nearly $700.00. I saw the sinking dress, and I have to say I was dissapointed. It looked an aweful mess. The bodice was only about the width of my palm, and the layering didn't do a thing for me. The pink coat was done quite well. There were plenty of those in stock. One of my freinds, who knows Kate, said she went up to her local store in San Fransisco. They had the dinner dress, sinking dress, boarding dress, and flying dress. She said the flying dress was absolutely aweful. She said it looked different from the movie, and the sash was somewaht grey. Shw waid it looked as if it had been tracked through sewer water. Yuck. She also said the dinner dress was dreadfully heavy; not fit for dancing. I suppose the beading wore it down. Still, I would have liked to see it in person. And to anyone considering the boarding dress, I advise you to go for it. it truly is quite stunning in person. I did have a great time shopping though. Bloomingdale's has quite a lot of beautiful clothing! :-) Well, just thought I'd tell ya what I saw and thought!

-- Kelly (foo@bar.com), December 06, 1998.

Kelly I didn't know that you knew someone who knows Kate!!! LOL that sounded odd didn't it. Oh well. When I heard about all these dresses coming out I visited my J. Peterman store and they didn't have a thing. They had about three books on Titanic and that was it. I did however pick up a catalog to drool over. *sigh* even though I know that I never could have afforded any of those dresses I still would have liked to see them in person. Isn't that awfull and I know that I certainly wouldn't have any place to wear it. BTW all of those lucky people who ended up with a dress....where are you wearing yours to?!

-- Miranda Swearingen (Kylen1@hotmail.com), December 16, 1998.

Try this link for the costumes from Titanic:
That Sinking Feeling

We are making any of the costumes seen in the movie.

-- Sabine Pothmann (RoseDwsns@aol.com), December 27, 1998.

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