Tools: Category Explanation : LUSENET : Lakes Area 2000 : One Thread

(If you haven't read the "About" page for this forum, please do so before reading about the categories by clicking here.)

The idea of the Tools category is to provide references to anything we as individuals and a community will find useful in our efforts to prepare for the year 2000. That could be you relating your experience to-date through narrative form, the posting of URLs or links to particularly useful documents or tools related to preparation, the posting of radio or television announcements you've been able to get aired, recommendations of computer software or methods you've used to check and repair your computer systems, your business, etc., or anything from approaches to getting your food, water, clothing, general material house in prepared as possible order, or any local or broader resources you've found particularly helpful.

As you've probably already noticed the "Global" Tools link on the home page leads to the Millennium Salons Tools "Shared Resource." If you are aware of a preparation tool that others throughout the country and world would find useful, be sure to post it there too. (Just post there the same way you post here; both systems work the same way.)

-- Bill (, November 24, 1998

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