Technically Interesting VCDs : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Im interested in acquiring VCDs that are technically interesting. By this I mean VCDs that depart from the everyday fare by having unusually complex menus, CDDA tracks, or other any other peculiarities. Im also interesting in VCDs that misbehave due to incorrect authoring of the control files or MPEG streams. Anything thats not run-of-the-mill. They actual content of the VCD (English, Japanese, Chinese, Hindi) is unimportant.

If you know of such VCDs and would share the name of those titles (maybe including a brief description) I would be most grateful. Thank you for your time.

-- Raul Galindez-Torres (, November 20, 1998


If you're still interested, I have some commercial VCDs that were originally 30fps that were remastered into PAL.

When they were re-encoded, the company simply dropped the 30fps video onto a 25fps template without compensating for speed. The videos run 16.6% slower than they should.

-- Bryan (, January 05, 2005.

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