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I just got the new J. Peterman catalog!! It has Rose's whole wardrobe. I thought it was just the "jump" dress. Well you have the Heaven dress, the dinner dress, the kimono, the brekfast robe, the boarding dress, the pink coat, Jacks clothes, along with countless accessories. Too bad they are 700-2000 dollars!!! Oh well, there are some good pictures from the movie though. Just thought I would let you know.


-- Laura (Roxygirli@alloyamail.com), November 16, 1998


Hey Laura, Where did you get the catalog? I do know that I have to order it or something like that, but I don't know where. How much? I'd love to see it. I'm dying for the real dress ( at least one ) but I know that's not going to happen unless I win the lottery. Hmmm, maybe I should start getting some tickets....:-)

-- Kelly (foo@bar.com), November 17, 1998.

Ok, Here is how to get a catalog. Write an e-mail to "jpeterman@jpeterman.com" put CATALOG REQUEST in the subject and in the body of the mail include your mailing address. Their website is http://www.jpeterman.com. Good Luck!!

Laura, Keeper Of Rose's Brekfast Scene Robe

-- Laura (Roxygirli@alloymail.com), November 17, 1998.

What kind of accessories are we talking about here?? Jewelery, hair clips, purses...what? Please let me know I'd love to have some of those things.

-- Miranda Swearingen (Kylen1@hotmail.com), November 23, 1998.

I will list them all for you: The "jump dress" the boardding dress the large hat taht goes with the boarding dress jacks clothing jacks tuxedo The Dinner Dress the purse that maatches the dinner dress all of roses shoes(to match the various dresses) exact replicas of dinnerware(plates, bowls, forks, spoons, glasses) THe kimono(wears it right before she is drawn) The Brekfast Scene Robe(when Cal flips the table) The necklace and earrings she wears when she is at dinner w/ Jack Cals pocketwatch Titanic Blueprints Ruths Felt hat Ruth's hand-muff Rose's Pink coat(worn during sinking) and The HEAVEN Dress(worn by rose in the end).

Also, they have costume recreations from Out Of Africa and The Avengers if you were interested.

-- Laura (Roxygirli@alloymail.com), November 23, 1998.

Is this stuff available to buy? What do the prices range from? I imagine it must be for more money than I could come up with. I would absolutely LOVE the Dinner dress, as I'm sure most people would agree, but let's face it: I simply don't have the money to buy probably a $100,000 dress. Maybe more. Hey guys, that gives me an idea - want to lend me some? Oh, about $25,000 each should do it. :-)

-- Kelly (foo@bar.com), November 23, 1998.

Oh yeah, sure thing Kelly ;-) Maybe when I win the lottery. That reminds me, I should start buying tickets sometime if I ever want to win those elusive millions.

You should get that dress that she's wearing when she does that "you like lamb, don't you sweetpea" scene, then you really would look like Kate :-)

-- Emma (dilemma76@hotmail.com), November 23, 1998.

The Boarding Dress-$695
The Big Hat-$350
The Boarding Blouse and Tie-$150
The Dinner Dress-$2000
The bag to go with the Dinner Dress-$125
The Kimono-$1500
The Brekfast Robe-$450
The Jump Dress-$2000
The Heaven Dress-$2000

{added line breaks for clarity}

-- Laura (Roxygirli@alloymail.com), November 23, 1998.

I hate to even ask but how much is the neclace that she wore with the dinner dress. The one she wore to dinner with Jack. I liked that one alot. And does anyone know about the hair thing she wore then too. Know where to get, or what it's called ect. Thanks:)

-- Miranda Swearingen (Kylen1@hotmail.com), November 24, 1998.

Laura, When you say the brekfast robe, do you mean the lacey dress worn during the "you like lamb, don't you sweet pea" scene? Maybe I could get myself a job of some sort to pay for that. Hmmm....but yeah, that's really going to happen. What are the chances of me getting the REAL dress? Slim to none, probably. Oh well, I can always hope. And I'm always open to any money offerings, uh em! guys. :-)

-- Kelly (foo@bar.com), November 24, 1998.

Isn't the breakfast scene robe that sage green dress thing that had flowers embroidered into it? She was wearing it when Cal did the "dummy spit" and tipped the table over. That one was really pretty, I wouldn't mind getting my hands on one.

-- Emma (dilemma76@hotmail.com), November 24, 1998.

Haven't got my hands on the new catalog yet, but I did visit our local J. Peterman store last night. In the front window, they've got Rose's "Jump" dress on display. For a cool $2000, you can take it home!!! It is quite a dress, although it appears somewhat different than the actual one in the movie. Wish I could take a photo, but this upscale mall (where I hardly ever go) definitely does not permit photos!!

-- Kathleen Marcaccio (dkosh@msn.com), November 25, 1998.

I made a Jump dress for Halloween. I put in many long hours of work on that thing and though it is a little different it's still a lot like the one in the movie. Hopefully I'll be able to scan in some pictures of it soon so you guys can see it:)

-- Miranda Swearingen (Kylen1@hotmail.com), November 25, 1998.

Miranda, Could you send me a picture as soon as you get it scanned in? I'd love to see it - I've seen most all of the dresses but that one and I'd love to see a reproduction. I'll give you my e-mail address as soon as you say you've scanned it - the reason I don't say my address is becasue I get a lot of junk mail that I can't block, so I don't want to take any chances. ( I took that chance on my dad's computer and it picked up a virus and crashed ) :-0

And Emma, the breakfast robe is different from the one where Cal throws over the table. The one in the table scene ( the tea dress ) has somewhat of a pale green flower, while I agree, it looks quite similar to the breakfast dress. The breakfast dress has a white lace layering of the skirt and a big flower in the middle. it's pink, I think - I'll have to check it out. If you want a picture, which you could find at most TItanic sites with pics of the dresses on display, go to www.angelfire.com/vt/vicky24, or Anahysia's Time Portal. I don't remember the address from that one but I'll look under my favorites section and post it here when I find it. I'd love to have the tea or breakfasyt one, too - and you can get a ready made one at Anahysia's Time Portal for $100.00 or so. Check it out! Hope I could help.

{added paragraph break; activated link}

-- Kelly (foo@bar.com), November 25, 1998.

Here's the direct link to Anahysia's Time Portal where you'll find the breakfast dress, ready made and ready to be shipped, I think;



-- Kelly (foo@bar.com), November 25, 1998.

The brekfast robe is the one when cal flips over the table. I want to get my hands on the boarding dress. I found somewhere that sells patterns though for $40. Is that a good price?


-- Laura (Roxygirli@alloymail.com), November 26, 1998.

Oh, I thought that was the tea dress. Oh well, I think all of us have different ideas on how to call each dress. I know the sinking dress is known as the swimming dress, sash dress, of course sinking dress, and water dress. I've heard 'em all.

Laura, you can get a ready made boarding dress at Anahsia's time Portal. Plus another site that has the same dress for $100.00 or so, but as I remember it doesn't have the stripes. I'm guessing adding the stripes would be another $50.00 or so. I think that's a good price, but it really depends on the type of fabric you use. Go for it! Let me know how it turns out.

-- Kelly (foo@bar.com), November 26, 1998.

Here's the direct link to the boarding dress site:


Enjoy! Tell me what you think.

{URL modified to avoid 404 error}

-- Kelly (foo@bar.com), November 26, 1998.

Kelly, I Have two of the pic's scanned already. Another friend wanted to see them so just let me know the addy and I'll try to send them. I'm also going to try to scann in a few shots that I think are better than these first two...would you like those too?

-- Miranda Swearingen (Kylen1@hotmail.com), November 26, 1998.

I want them!!! Oh, also Tyme Portal wants $700 for the boarding dress. I am willing to spend 200. If anyone knows anyone then PLEASE e-maill me. Thanks.


-- Laura (Roxygirli@alloymail.com), November 26, 1998.

Laura, If you're willing to spend $100.00 more you can get the boarding dress at Costume Holiday House. I posted the address above somewhere. Also, the J. Peterman catalog has it, too. i think it's a little over your limit though, being at $400.00 or so. Hope I could help!

-- Kelly (foo@bar.com), November 27, 1998.

Oh, and Miranda - the necklace she wore with the dinner dress is $336. Her earrings are $168. Good luck!

-- Kelly (foo@bar.com), November 27, 1998.

Well, I dropped by our local J Peterman store today. They didn't have any of the dresses there but I did pick up their catalog that has the pictures in it. Amazing! I would love to have the breakfast robe and the white dress with all the accessories but alas I am but a poor college student....though you can't usually tell by my spelling. And I always thought that the light green dress(the one worn when Jack first see's her) was worn at Lunch. Remember Men didn't usually take tea in the afternoon. And did anyone notice the dress Kate wore when she passed Molly Brown when she first borded? It was very similar only in different colors. Laura was your "I want those" comment about my pictures or some of the things offered in the catalog??

-- Miranda Swearingen (Kylen1@hotmail.com), November 28, 1998.

I forgot to tell everyone that www.simplicity.com/titanic.htm has a few of the pages from the catalog online. Just scroll all the way to the bottom and you'll see them. Some you can read clearly and some you can't read at all but you can see dresses.

{New link: http://www.simplicity.com/848/8399.htm}

-- Miranda Swearingen (Kylen1@hotmail.com), November 28, 1998.

your pictures

-- Laura (Roxygirli@alloymail.com), November 30, 1998.

Thant link to the boarding dress did not work. "Error 404" So, I dont know what is wrong.

-- Laura (Roxygirli@alloymail.com), November 30, 1998.

Hmmm, you're right. Okay, try this:


That's the home page address. Let me know how it goes!


-- (foo@bar.com), November 30, 1998.

Oops, forgot to put my name. :-)

-- Kelly (foo@bar.com), November 30, 1998.

Kelly, I didn't see the breakfast robe at the first site you posted....I did see the light green dress...is that the one you were talking about?

-- Miranda Swearingen (Kylen1@hotmail.com), December 16, 1998.


A bunch of people and the catalog call Jack's clothes a "tux" or "tuxedo." But that's not true - I was lectured about this for homecoming this past year, and a tuxedo is BLACK tie. What Jack wore is called "dinner clothes" or "WHITE tie." Very different, if you think about it (not just the tie - the whole thing). The tuxedo didn't come about 'til the '30s.


-- Niles M. Gregory (foo@bar.com), December 21, 1998.

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