Any one know any good places for buying VCD's in England? : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
I live in London, England. I'm finding it quite hard to find VCD's. The only places I really know are digital city (mail order, but a bit pricey) and some shop in China Town that i've never actualy been to. My freind tells me that they are pretty cheap. Any Ideas?
-- Jonathan Dale (, November 16, 1998
There's also I've never bought anything from them, though, so I can't vouch for them.
-- Russil Wvong (, November 25, 1998.
I just got e-mail from someone at OTS Technology, which appears to be in the UK. Their web address is
-- Russil Wvong (, May 30, 1999.
Wing Yip in Purley Way, South London (on the way in to Croydon) has loads in the video sector. Just go in the front door, past the restaurant and the bakery, look left, go in shop.All CD's are origional in official packaging etc. Have large selection of Hong Kong releases of both English language and chinese films. Last time I was there films were about 5-7 quid depending on how new they were, with old stuff practically going for free.
-- Francis Li (, October 24, 1999.
Try Whitedog ( - they are a bit pricey but have a good selection.
-- Dave Britch (, March 03, 2000. i buy from here all the time del 6-7 days very good
-- mick (, October 02, 2002.