Using filters&closeup lenses in Kodak DC260 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Could you suggest any method by which I can use my Filters (Polarizing&others)and closeup lenses in my Kodak DC260 Digital Science Digital camera as it doesn't have a filter thread. Thanks

Dr.V.Jayakumar India

-- Dr.V.Jayakumar.,MD,DCh,DM(Neuro) (, November 13, 1998


Lots of folks want to do this, but so far no good solution has appeared. Kodak hinted at it at one time, but no sign of anything yet. The biggest concern is that the force required to attach/detach recalcitrant filters could damage the delicate lens mechanism that extends/retracts the optics.

-- Dave Etchells (, November 30, 1998.

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