When did it change from a bug to a bomb???

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

Has anybody else noticed that the Media is now referring to the "millenium Bug" as the Millenium Bomb??? Maybe they are finally waking up!!!

-- Anonymous, November 12, 1998



An interesting observation. I also have my pet "measurement" for determining how Y2K aware the media and general public are becoming: How far down the page and how big is the section that describes what Y2K is. Over the past 6 months, the section describing the problem has gotten smaller and is placed farther down the page. In some articles, they've opted to exclude it altogether. Maybe this means something (and maybe not)..... we all are trying to find sense in the senseless.

-- Anonymous, November 13, 1998

Every now and again we have a blurb in the paper on the inside of the "technology" section about y2k, but it's not a regualar feature. the last article dealt with the PUC meeting (of which I posted my notes on this website a few articles back) though their reporting certainly wasn't very "timely" as it was 2 weeks after the meeting!

I feel that the media is keeping as quiet about this as possible, what with the holidays just around the corner and the tremendous amount of money about to be pumped into the economy. Especially since there aren't really any hard facts to report, just speculation about how bad it might be... Just my opinion... Jeff

-- Anonymous, November 13, 1998

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