Contract for Grade : LUSENET : MEd Cohort III : One Thread

My contract will be decided on soon!

-- Anonymous, November 11, 1998


One item from the "B" category: I would like to be a representative for my cohort members on the Governance Team during the next quarter (semester).

I will notify cohort members at least one week in advance of our meeting and will ask them to let me know of any questions or concerns that they would like me to bring before the Governance Team.

I will relay any answers/comments from the Governance Team back to the cohort members during the next time we meet as a class. If an answer or comment is urgently needed, I would post it on the Web site.

One item from the "A" category: I will participate in a local service project.

I will help facilitate a parent support group for parents of middle school aged students with special needs of any kind. I will work with the ARC representative, Reenie Engstrom, to accomplish this. The meetings will be held once every month, except during December, and will have varied topics of discusstion. Each meeting will last for about two hours and will provide parents with a time to bring questions, concerns and new insights to the group. I will also help to schedule speakers on special topics related to concerns of the group.

At the end of January, I will write a summary of what the group has accomplished, the status of it, and how parents have been able to use the information that we have discussed at each of the meetings we've had up to that point. I will also write a final summary in May of the progress that the group has made in the months from February through May.

-- Anonymous, November 15, 1998

I will continue to work on extensions of both contract proposals from last semester through May 1999. My contracts were: for a "B", I will be part of the governance team. For an "A", I will continue to be a co-facilitator of a parent (of a child with special needs) support group that meets once each month. At the end of this semester, I will write up thoughts on being a part of the governance team, as well as another "insight" paper regarding my experiences as a co-coordinator of the parent support group.

-- Anonymous, February 08, 1999

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