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Do you know of any stores online that sell Titanic in English on VCD I found a site that is selling it but it is in Chinese. And anyother movies and new releases in English
-- Amanda Banks (Pinksplash@gurlmail.com), November 06, 1998
This site has it: http://members.xoom.com/discone/index.html
-- anonymous (anonymous@nowhere.com), November 14, 1998.
Yes I do. It's called digital city. It is a UK bassed company that sells VCD's in english with cantonise sub-titles. The sub-titles dont get on my nerves that much. They did at first but I addapted.E-Mail address = INFO@DIGITALCITY.DEMON.CO.UK
It cost me #30 (about $45) I'm english by the way. I buy from them alot, they have NEVER sent me pirates. Plus They also sold me The Exorsit! They have got loads of top titles!
-- Jonathan Dale (JMDLORD@aol.com), November 15, 1998.
We have a wide range of titles in my store including TITANIC. The cost for TITANIC in VCD is USD18 (original copies). We have other top titles going from USD10 to USD18. Please email me if you are interested.
-- Kevin Loh (meta0207@tm.net.my), December 15, 1998.
I have ordered Titanic from www.cdmovies.com. They carry the original chinese copy with postcards. It does have subtitles on the bottom but you get used to it.
-- Rutger Stevens (rutger_s@hotmail.com), December 17, 1998.
I have received some enquiries about importing VCDs but unfortunately due to hardware problems, all datas are lost. Please email me again so that I could reply. Hope to hear from you all soon.
-- Kevin Loh (meta0207@tm.net.my), January 03, 1999.
Want Titanic in English without subtitles? Try going to www.video- cds.com. I have just bought three VCDs from them (o.k. I haven't seen them yet, but there is no mention of subtitles!). I'll up-date this message once I have seen them and let you know. PS. Titanic was around $16.50 plus P&P of $3.95
-- Chris Cowie (ccowie@legend.co.uk), January 04, 1999.
I have now received my copy of Titanic from www.video-cds.com (together with Armageddon and and Halloween H2O). All three films are in English and DO NOT have subtitles. Quality is very good. I can highly recommend trying them out.Chris
-- Chris Cowie (ccowie@legend.co.uk), January 16, 1999.
I think http://www.videocds.com does sell Titanic and thier VCD are original without chinese sub-titles
-- VideoMan (v_i_d_e_o@hotmail.com), May 04, 1999.
We have a wide range of titles in my store including TITANIC. The cost for TITANIC in VCD is USD18 (original copies). We have other top titles going from USD10 to USD18. Please email me if you are interested.
-- Hitomi (jefcic@yahoo.com), May 02, 2003.