Camino Neocatecumenal : LUSENET : Catholic : One Thread

What the pope thinks about the Neocatechumenical way? Why is not accepted in many churches?

-- Eduardo Carrillo Muqoz (, November 03, 1998


Tengo 2 años de camino actualmente tengo 1re escrutinio y creo que las diferentes iglesias no lo aceptan por que no saben en realidad lo que es i por eso lo rechazan. Rechazan lo desconocido y al mismo tiempo ven que el camino no es un grupo mas si no en realidad lo que es una comunidad que tiene personas que vuscan madurar y esto muchas veces les trae celos al ver un grupo de hermanos que tienen el espiritu de Dios.

-- Robert Apolinario (, December 15, 2000.

there is an ample information on this topic:

-- Enrique Ortiz (, December 15, 2000.

Queridos Hermanos:

Me llamo salvador, tengo 5 anos de camino, estoy en el segundo escrutinio y en el centro vocacional de newark, para mi pensar el camino no es aceptado en muchas parroquias porque muchos parroqos y obispos toda via no ven al camino por lo que es, un instrumento de formacion christiana que enverdad no quiere cambier nada ni quitarle poder a nadie a donde va, solo quiere despertar aquellos como yo que han estado durmiendo en la fe, aquellos que por la serculizacion de hoy en dia se encuentran si esperanza alguna,pero como hay miembros en el clero que se cren que todos los feligreses le basta ir solamente a misa los domingos, que no quieren ser molestado por un grupo apostolico y que tienen una mentalidad de ejecutivo y no de pastor por eso es que el camino no es aceptado en algunas parroquias y no solo el camino si no otras realidades eclesiales.


-- sal (salvadoralmonte@aol.COM), January 08, 2001.

Hola: Soy Peruana y al igual que Ustedes entro en mucha tribulacion conrespecto al rechazo que ocasionan las comunidades en las Parroquias antes de entra al camino y durante el camino El Señor me ha hecho un llamado y me causa sufrimiento la burla de los que me conocen , las religiosas me conocen como una chica que no se decide ya por ingresar al convento, sabiendo que es mi vocacion y otros lo ven como que soy inmadura , otros una obsesion, yo sufro en silencio todo esto pero en el silencio me aferro a los que Dios me revela en la Cruz gloriosa el celibato que vivo tiene lugar en las comunidades . Y poco a poco me va a clarando cual es el carisma al que he sido llamada dentro de las comunidades si bien es cierto me siento sola ,e incomprendida . Espero en el silencio la voluntad de Dios. Viendo lo que Dios va permitiendo suceda en mi Vida. La Paz Jenyfer

-- Jenyfer (, January 19, 2001.

Jenyfer hermosa,
No comprendo lo que tienen que hacer con aquello del neocatecumenal tus palabras, pero como catolico y mistico veo lo vasto que es tu limpio corazon. Sinceramente deseo lleges a la cumbre de tu vocacion, con la inmensa bendicion del Sagrado Corazon de Jesus Nuestro Senor-- Adelante, Jenyfer; Buena fortuna hacia la gloria!

-- eugene c. chavez (, January 20, 2001.

Yo pienso que es rechazado por un recelo aun, y aunque parezca increible, con las reformas propuestas en el Concilio Vaticano 2, que muchos padres aun guardan, además de un modo de ataque del enemigo, un poco para hacernos vacilar en nuestra fe, pero refugiandonos en la oración lograremos salir adelante. Ahora cabe destacar que asi como hay personas que lo rechazan tambien existen curas que lo han acogido muy bien, lo cual da gusto ver y compensa un poco lo anterior.

-- Victor Hugo Ceballos Vasquez (canburrysouce84@yahoo.con), October 01, 2001.

hola soy de peru...tengo 16 años, de los cuales 12 años caminaba en la cominidad de mis padres ellos estan en el paso de unicio de la oracion en la cual me han ayudado a madurar en la fe, a mi edad los jovenes piensan en muchas cosas negativas y en este tiempo de camino pues desde entonces veo la misericordia de dios conmigo pues me a preservado de muchas cosas del cual dios me quiere y me esta sacando poco a poco de los pecados en los cuales estoy...ahora estoy en mi propia comuninad, y ahi experimento la maravillas que dios quiere hacer conmigo, quiere reconciliarme con mi historia que muchas veces reniego de ella, del por que tengo los padres que tengo pero realmente veo que es la voluntad de el , para mi conversion y si estoy aqui es por que quiero conocer a hrnos de otros paises y asi ser una misma comunion en jesucristo resucitado....

-- julio andre (, March 19, 2003.


The pope not only thinks, but also knows for sure, that the Neocatechumenate way is the only way that can transform the church as it was during the time of the apostles. This is the very reason why the statues of the Way have been approved. The Neocatechumenate way has not been classified or categorized as a movement. The WAY is known as the only Christian Initiation.

The reason why it is not accepted in many of the Churches is because of the lack of interest on part of the Bishops.

The Bishops are more interested in comfortable luxury life. If the Bishop accepts the WAY in his diocese, the Bishop himself would become full time busy serving the faithful. This is what the Bishops don’t want. Again they have their own traditional way of dealing with things. The maximum that they would support is the Charismatic movement. They don’t seem to have zeal for their own flock.

They are interested whether a Catholic comes for a Sunday mass Eucharist. They expect the faithful to approach them. They don’t think of visiting those faithful who have left the Church or who don’t come to Church. And when life is simple and things are going well why waste energy on things that will only spoil ones happiness.

But this is not the case with all the Bishops around the world. Some Bishops who are interested in starting the WAY, have very few priest / resources or people are more interested in some thing else. Some Bishops are really interested in changing the life of their faithful. They are the real figure of Jesus Christ.

Like where I live, the Bishop of my diocese is a staunch supporter of the Charismatic movement. We are not allowed to start new communities in other parishes. Even after the approval of the Neocatechumenate statues the Bishop is not serious.

But courage, I have known some worthy Bishops who have started the WAY in their parishes. The moment the statues were approved the Bishop called all the priests for a live-in together and ordered "Boys within a month I want to see all the faithful in these communities". And the priests are carrying the order of the Bishop faithfully.

Such Bishops are very few. The Vatican estimates that it will take around 275 to 300 years to change the entire Catholic Church into the Neocatechumenal Way.

I pray that it happens soon.

God Bless The Pope and the Catholic Church.

Peace Xavier

PS: I am from the WAY, just finished my second scrutiny few months ago and waiting for the next stage of “prayers”.

-- Xavier (, March 20, 2003.

Hi, Xavier.

I agree with you that some bishops are suspicious of the new movements, orders and other juridical bodies (like Personal Prelatures) of the Church. But I think you should not say that this is somehow something “exclusive” of the Neocatechumenal Way. I know little about The Way, but what I know is that the pope has been supporting many new such bodies, like Opus Dei, The Legionnaries of Christ, Folkolare, the Community of Sant’Egidio and Communione e Liberazione, to name a few.

As good as The Way may be, I don’t think it is a good idea to say things like “The pope not only thinks, but also knows for sure, that the Neocatechumenate way is the only way that can transform the church as it was during the time of the apostles”. The Church has many good orders and movements, old and new. Such exclusivity claims have proven to be divisive throughout Church History. Each of us has his own vocation. Some people are called to contemplative life in monasteries, others are called to Mission, still others are called to seek God in ordinary life, within or without a Church movement/order/prelature.

I would like to understand what you mean by “The Vatican estimates that it will take around 275 to 300 years to change the entire Catholic Church into the Neocatechumenal Way.” You are not implying that ALL the Church will be restricted to a single movement, are you?

I praise your Zeal, but don’t let it make you “collide” with other faithful people who may have other kinds of vocation.

God Bless You!

-- Atila (, March 20, 2003.

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