I'm worried - I'm starting to like neo-geo games now they have sound....

greenspun.com : LUSENET : MAME Action Replay : One Thread

The only problem I have now is I only have 47 of the roms so I've got another 50 to find and download. :-(

If any fellow MARP players have any helpful hints on where to find the difficult ones that are no longer linked/available at Daves then feel free to let me know where.... ;-))


PS: I guess once I have them all I'll need a separate CDR for the neo-geo games. ;-))

-- BeeJay (bjohnstone@cardinal.co.nz), October 29, 1998


Just wait til' the sound is accurate...

I was a bit disappointed by this beta, as the music just does not sound correct in most cases. There is some really, really, really good music yet to be emulated correctly (or even at all) in a lot of these games, like Fatal Fury Special, KoF '94, Mutation Nation, Over Top, and the absolutely rockin' Shock Troopers.

As for finding roms, you can get just about everything at good speeds from The Dump (http://www.classicgaming.com/thedump/neogeo/), but good luck getting it. Set up GetRight to keep trying for you while you go to sleep or go to work or something (though this could be a problem if someone else in your house uses the computer).

A lot of the newer roms are available at http://www.zhanjiang.gd.cn/home/bob/english.html and speed is pretty good. But if you're looking for a lot of older games, you're out of luck.

You can also get almost all the roms from this one site without having to worry about FTP limits, but be warned, it's often pretty slow or the speed fluctuates during DL. http://lw-www.sd.cninfo.net/wyzj/yx/neogeo/


-- BBH (lordbbh@aol.com), October 29, 1998.

Neo Geo Roms

I am thinking about offering rom cds for a very cheap price. It will not include any emulator so it wont break any of the rules, wich states that the emulator cant be on the same medium as any of the roms,and cant be sold. I want to hear the reactions from you marpers. What i will make first is a Double cd pack,wich will be fully updated for the last Mame,containing all roms,with no error, everything verified for mame. I was thinking taking 20 $ for this, and thats a very small amount,when youthink of how much time and mony i spent on collecting all roms and so on. Please mail me for details and reactions.

-- Stig Remnes (sremnes@hotmail.com), November 05, 1998.

yes man

-- pmolik (blood28573@aol.com), January 19, 2001.


-- Cip (Cip_gg@yahoo.com), April 25, 2001.

yeah 20$ sounds like a really low price to the amount of money spent to get the free roms, I think you should make it 100$ all that effort to get free roms really puts a dent in the pocket book. you'd struggle just to make a profit.

-- Chad (churritz@cts.com), April 26, 2001.

Err... not breaking any rules? Right. As if it's legal to sell stuff you don't own the copyright too. That's exactly what the word "copyright" means. Try selling some Microsoft stuff (regardless of whether they're only things you can download for free from their site), and see how soon you'll get Microsoft's lawyers contact you. The copyrights to those ROMs are held by the game companies, and you are not allowed to sell them, even if you claim to be just charging costs for the CDs and S&H.

Very strange to see a post like that from someone who is always telling everyone to abide by licences and stuff...

Cheers, Ben Jos.

-- Ben Jos Walbeehm (walbeehm@walbeehm.com), April 30, 2001.

I meant "... the copyright TO". And I should have paid more attention. That post was from November 1998. Ah well, my point about selling ROMs is still valid.

Cheers, Ben Jos.

-- Ben Jos Walbeehm (walbeehm@walbeehm.com), April 30, 2001.

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