Flash with 80-200 lens

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Camera Equipment : One Thread

I've some questions on using my F90x, SB-28 when using my 80-200/2.8 lens,

1) When I choose "A" mode with 3D Multi-Sensor Balance Fill on, the camera usually gives me shutter speed of 1/60s. However, when I'm shooting at 200, I'm not confident to hold the gear steadily to avoid blur. I'd like to switch to "M" mode and set the shutter speed by myself and want to know if the 3D Multi-Sensor Balance Fill still function ? Or is there any better way to handle this?

2) As the SB-28 only support lens from 20mm-85mm, is there any exposure compensation necessary for using 200mm ? I've experience in taking pics with subject at 15 ft from me and the results is a little bit under, say -1/3 to -2/3.

3) I would be switching from 1/60s (to get more background light) and 1/200s frequently, so I'd like to know if there's any faster way to do this. I found it not convenient to switch from "Po" to "Sp" of the Variable Program features.

Wish someone would like to share your valuable experiences here.

-- Phicol Kwan (phikwan@hotmail.com), October 23, 1998


Answer to #2: no. It really wouldn't matter if the flash covered 24mm only. You only get problems if you use a lens wider than your flash can support. The zoom feature just allows you to have a higher guide number with longer lenses, but everything will work fine if the lens is longer than the flashes maximum zoom setting.

If the flash is underexposing, you may be out of range, or maybe you need to add a little bit of flash exposure compensation. Take some pictures at different distances, or calculate the maximum range via guide number to see what the problem is. I use Canon gear, and with most films I dial in an extra half stop of flash, but you may have just been out of range. I'll let some of the Nikon people answer the rest of your questions.

-- Brad (reloader@webtv.net), October 23, 1998.

You can use either Shutter priority or Manual exposure mode to dial in any shutter speed you want up to the sync speed of 1/250 (or up to 1/ 4000 in the FP mode, but only with manual flash exposure and limted range). If the light level is low enough to require 1/60 at f/2.8, you will be underexposing the ambient by two stops at 1/250. If you have the Matrix symbol set on the flash LCD panel, the flash exposure will also be underexposed, because in this mode it tracks the ambient. Press the M button to turn the Matrix symbol off (you can leave the camera's Matrix metering on, though) and your underexposure problem will go away, as long as you're in flash range. Although you will be operating in "standard TTL" mode, you'll still get fine flash results- -the flash Matrix sensor still operates in this mode.

-- Danny Weber (danny_weber@compuserve.com), October 23, 1998.

1.) Yes, it will handle this.

2.) What f-stop are you using? You might also try switching to spot or center weighted mode.

3.) Set your Manual speed setting to 1/200 and then just switch modes back and forth between "M" and "A".

-- Ellis (evphoto@insync.net), December 17, 1998.

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