Photojournalism Education : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

Hi there. I am a student at a technical school. I am interested in Photojournalism. I am Photo-editor on the school newspaper as well as a contributer. I have a sries of questions. What besides the newspaper would be good experience/practice for a job in photojournalism when I graduate school? Should I be concentrating on more of a digital training or is contemporary film a better choice? What kind of images would be best to include in my portfolio? thanks

-- Michael Szymanski (, October 19, 1998



I graduated from the University of Alaska Fairbanksin photojournalism in May 1997. Since then I've worked at a couple of newspapers and am currently shooting for the Jackson Hole News. The best things I ever did for my education were two internships -- one at the Fairbanks Daily News-Miner and another at the Anchorage Daily News. Internships get you shooting more film (or pixels, maybe) than anything else and expose you to things you'd perhaps not otherwise experience. I'd pursue every one y

-- john brecher (, March 31, 1999.

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