B&W "plastic overhead" prints

greenspun.com : LUSENET : B&W Photo - Printing & Finishing : One Thread

I have no idea what this process / material is called. I'm in college and took 2 semesters of B&W photography 2 years ago. One of the extra assignments were to experiment with some type of "paper." I still have the photo and now would like to know how I did it (I know this sounds strange). This is what I have: It's a sheet of plastic clear film (8 1/2 x 11 in size). There is a B&W image on it that can be used in overhead projectors - see through might be a term in describing it but I developed it in the lab and not a photocopy machine using overhead plastic sheets. I now need to find out what exactly I did to get this. Does anyone know what this is called? What the material is called in photo stores so I can buy more of it? How do you develop pictures this way - same as paper prints? Thanks for any help (I can't find my notes for this project and my brain can't remember anything about it! )

-- Andrew Jones (mjones@ns.net), October 17, 1998


You might have done this with negative sheet film. Enlarge on to the sheet film, process it, dry it. The processing would be virtually identical to paper. If the film was ortho, you could see what you were doing with a safelight. In the UK, you can get Ilford Ortho in 10x12" at around #3 a sheet.

-- Alan Gibson (gibson.al@mail.dec.com), October 18, 1998.

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