US: Virginia : LUSENET : Year 2000 Community Prep Directory : One Thread

Virginia Y2K:

Please be sure to read the the instructions carefully before posting to this forum.


-- Bill (, October 15, 1998


Northern Virginia Year 2000 Community Preparedness Group

Mission: Our community preparedness group strives to:

"We have only recently formed and have quite a bit of work ahead of us, but we have enthusiasm on our side!"


The address is case sensitive.

-- Bill (, December 23, 1998.


-- Bill (, June 10, 1999.

Carla Emery, author of The Encyclopedia of Country Living, will speak at a free special public forum and intensive seminar on Saturday morning, June 19, 1999.

The event will be held at the Rappahannock County Public Library in Washington, Virginia starting at 9:00 a.m.

Washington, Virginia is located in the Blue Ridge (20 miles south of Front Royal, 25 miles west of Warrenton, 20 miles east of Luray).

Carla Emery is a mother, speaker, and writer. Her publicly- acclaimed Encyclopedia of Country Living, is a basic reference work in the field of independent living and family food production ("goats and gardens").

In print for 25 years, this old-fashioned how-to manual and recipe book now has some 400,000 copies in print.

If you are interested in learning the homesteading, agricultural and animal husbandry skills that people knew 50 - 100 years ago, you will benefit from this program.

For more information call the library at 540/675-3679.

-- Walt Longyear (, May 27, 1999.

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