I cannot come to school today...

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Poetry : One Thread

I am looking for the poem which begins "I cannot come to school today" or contains the line within the text of the poem. It is about a little girl named something McKay I believe and she has a slew of ailments. Can anyone help me find this poem?

-- Nancy Kramer (nancykramer@tritium.net), October 13, 1998


Shel Silverstein Where the Sidewalk Ends

-- pat gugel (pgugel@fc.fcps.k-12.va.us), November 12, 1998.

I e-mailed you once and it was Oct.14,1998 and I live in Wisconsin and I have that poem. And I live in Central standard time zone.

-- Crystal Clark (ltl.tykes@ptnt.net), October 14, 1998.

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