Marathon | 4th Season | Liquid : LUSENET : Aeon Flux : One Thread |
I saw the Aeon Flux marathon on MTV last night. Dispite it went on untill 3:00 I must say it was very cool. I saw Aeon Flux before, but I never really payed much attention to it. I heard from a friend that they were going to start a 4th season of Aeon Flux. Is this true? To my understanding, Aeon Flux is only in Liquid Television. I looked through the TV listings for this week and the next. I can't find it anywhere. When is Liquid Television on?
-- Richard Layton (, October 12, 1998
Aeon Flux and Liquid Television are no longer aired on MTV (or any other station at that matter) anywhere in the US. You were lucky to catch the marathon Saturday night. Once in a while they will show a marathon but they only use it as a filler in their schedule. Sorry to disappoint you.
-- Eric (, October 12, 1998.
Mtv is now airing episodes on The streaming video isn't so great; you have to keep it it's original size, but they just started the episodes this week.
-- Lindsay Hartwell (, June 02, 2001.
Airing Aeon Flux????
-- Barb e. (, June 03, 2001.
um, that has been there for months. I think we all got excited when they put it up. If they showed them all on the net it may have lead to something more... but alas they have seemed to give up on that idea.
-- William (, June 04, 2001.
I have kazaa ( and i was able to download to aeon flux short vids, Gravity and War. If MTV shows them on the web then its possible to download them or save them and transfer then to kazaa, or any network sharing community that lets u download. That would be cool if someone does that, so u can have them on your PC then burn them and keep them. Thats what im doing !!
-- Raul F (, July 14, 2001.
Aeon Flux videos/dvds are available for purchase.....i wonder if someone will rip them and put them in the file sharing community networks ...... just a thought....(hint hint).
-- Markus (, February 11, 2002.
I've been searching Kazaa for about 5 months or so, and I can find every episode except 4 - Night, The Demiurge, Ether Drift Theory, and Utopia or Deutoronopia?. I can find "sources" for these four, but they never download. Why are these four so damned rare?
-- Thomas Hittie (, May 01, 2003.