How to transfer Digita script files to DS260 : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

I have a ton of info on how to write "scripts" for my Kodak DC260 - but I seem to be having trouble copying the script files (extension .csm) to the camera. Is it possible to do this via Kodak's "mounter" software? I know .csm files can be written via an adapter that lets you plug in the Compact Flash card from the camera so it can be directly accessed by your PC - but I don't have one of those yet...


-- Charlie Wallace (, October 05, 1998


Charlie- Sorry to report that the CF adapter is the only way to get scripts into the camera -- you can't do it with the "mounter" software. Really seems to me to be an unfortunate omission by Kodak, but there you are.

For general info on scripting, check out Steve Haenichen's site (I'm sure I botched his name!) It's at EXCELLENT info! Also check out

Good luck!

-- Dave Etchells (, October 05, 1998.

Here's an update/correction - I sent an email to Steve Haehnichen - and he cleared it up. Actually you *can* copy the .csm files to the camera using the mounter - but you can only copy files into the system directory. I think the problem was that I was trying to drop files on the system folder icon - what works is to *open* the system folder, and drop files in the file pane on the right. Anyway, I have now done this, and it worked! Thanks to Dave and Steve...

-- Charlie Wallace (, October 08, 1998.

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