Facilitators Page

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Please post the date and your name for the session you will be responsible for facilitating. When you are done, post a summary of the session and how someone can contact you to get information on the session they missed.

-- Anonymous, September 30, 1998


I will be facilitating the class on Wednesday October 14th. The class will be held in room H118 at RRCC starting at 4:30. This room is near the theater (signs will be posted). The following topics will be presented on videotape: How Children & Adolescents Understand and Respond to Grief presented by Ben Wolfe, and Suicide and Depression Among Youth and Young Adults: Warning Signs, Intervention & Referral Resources, and Prevention Strategies Everyone Should Know Presented by Ben Wolfe and Gina Dixon and a panel of parents. Mary Jean will be providing a snack, followed at 7:00 p.m.by a presentation from Bill Johnson of Koochiching County Counseling Services. Bill has a Ph.d. in psychology from Peabody College in Nashville, TN and currenty works with children and adults in assessment and therapy. Videotapes of these presentations will be available through RRCC library. I will have copies of any handout material for those missing the class. Please contact me at home 283-4752 or at work 285-2255 if you have any questions.

Tom West

-- Anonymous, October 12, 1998

I will be facilitating class on Wednesday October 21st. The class will be meeting in room 134 at RRCC. This is the computer lab. The class will run from 4:30 to 8:20 p.m. There will be a supper break at 6:30 p.m. After the break we will be meeting in room H118. We will be spending the first portion of the class working on the computers and accessing the UMD web page. After the break we will be discussing the grading contracts. If you have any questions, you can call me at the high school during the day at 283-2571 ext. 141. Ladd Kocinski

-- Anonymous, October 20, 1998

Summary of October 28th Cohort class.

The October 28th cohort class dealt with the topic of drugs and alcohol in todays schools. The video viewed consisted of information about what causes teenagers to turn to drugs and alcohol use. The main reason teenagers turn to alcohol and drugs are: A lack of family support and interest, a negative value system, no purpose in life and no concrete future goals. As part of the class the presenter, a local dare police officer, informed the cohort about the increase use of marijuana by students in our community. This was a real eye opener for our class in realizing that drugs and alcohol are a problem in our community and need to be dealt with.

-- Anonymous, November 05, 1998

Summary of the Nov. 18 Cohort Class: The cohort met in the computer lab at RRCC from 4:30 to 6:00. Mary Jean Menzel, daring a great November snow storm, brought, from UMD, a digital camera so the cohort could begin to enter pictures on our web site. After the supper break, at 6:30, we met in H118 to view a video of Ms. Ravenfeather presenting on the family social structure and also watched a short video drama on the effects of an alcoholic parent on the family structure. After the video, there was class discussion that began on alcohol problems affecting the family and the student and strayed to the challenges of assessing and grading student achievement in the classroom, how the path of learning from K-12 needs to be a continuous process and problems that surface later if a student cannot achieve in an area and the difficulties of teaching a class that is too large and of multi levels of achievement. If there are any questions or comments on the class, contact D. Frederickson at Falls High School, 283-2571, ext.170.

-- Anonymous, November 27, 1998

On Dec. 16 at 4:30 we will be meeting in the Computer Lab with Tim Everson and Tina Meyers. They will go over topics such as: threaded discussions and search engines to find alternative journals/texts/films. We will break at 6:00 for a special holiday dinner prepared by the RRCC cooks. We will be having dinner in the commons area. The menu is chicken kiev with rice and a vegetable followed by a festive dessert. Due to the nature of the dinner, I planned 45 minutes so that everyone can relax while eating their meal and have time to take a bathroom break if needed. At 6:45 Dr. John Frederickson. Superintendent of Intl Falls public schools, and Chuck Johnson, Principal of Falls Elementary School, will be joining us in room SC115 (right next to commons) to share with us their vision of the future of education in Intl Falls. Dave Parmeter, School Board Member, has been invited as well, but as of this date has not confirmed his attendance. Please be thinking of any questions you may have for our guest speakers so your humble facilitator will not have to talk too much! Thanks! Let me know if you have any questions! Lisa West (W) 283-2219 or (H) 283-4752.

-- Anonymous, December 12, 1998

I will be facilitating class on January 13 in Room 118. Dr. Kate Jacobson and Dr. Kate Maurer will be our presenters for the evening. They will be reviewing books and assignments concerning research writing. If you have any questions about some of the assignments on the syllabus or thesis writing questions, this would be the time to clarify them. They will be staying overnight at the Holiday Inn, so they will be able to stay after class if you had anything you wanted to discuss. If you have any questions please call Beth Cramer at St. Thomas 283-3430 or home 283-4731

-- Anonymous, January 12, 1999

I will be facilitating on January 20, 1999, in the ITV room from 4:30 to 6:00. This presentation will be on statistics. Dinner will be from 6:00 to 6:30. Barb McDonald will be the presenter for the rest of the evening. She will be talking to us about thesis research and analysis. We will break into thesis groups to work on worksheets two and five.

-- Anonymous, January 19, 1999

Terry Anderson called this morning with a change of plans for tonight's class. The ITV presentation had to be cancelled. Barb McDonald will be the presenter for the entire evening in room 118. Please bring your book "How To Design And Evaluate Research In Education".

-- Anonymous, January 20, 1999

I will be facilitating on January 27,1999. We will meet in the computer lab from 4:30 to 6:00 with Tim and Tina. Dinner will be from 6:00 to 6:15. Barb McDonald will continue her presentation from our research and design book from 6:15 to 7:30. We will break into our thesis groups for more discussion from 7:30 to 8:20.

-- Anonymous, January 22, 1999

Important things first! We will be having rigatoni, garlic bread, lettece salad, and banana or almond poppyseed bread for supper. On Wednesday, February 3, 1999, we will begin in Room SS143, the ITV Room. A Mr. Boman will talking on quantitative research from 4:30 to 5:45. We will have supper from 5:45 to 5:46! Just kidding! We will have supper from 5:45 to 6:00. From 6:00 to 8:00, Barb McDonald will be with us talking over the "green" book in Room 118. In two weeks, a lady by the name of Martha Eberhart-Galinsky will be here assisting us in our research. Be thinking of some "descriptor" words from your thesis statement that you might use in looking up some research. Well fellow cohort members, it will be another busy week but keep up the great work and don't forget we are all in this together and right now it feels like FOREVER TOGETHER. Keep smiling. Shelby

-- Anonymous, January 30, 1999

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