SA Description : LUSENET : Poodle Support Group : One Thread

Can someone post a good layman's description of Sebacious Adenitis (SA)?

-- Anonymous, September 13, 1998


SA description

What I noticed first in my affected dogs was an extreme sensitivity to having face or feet shaved. The skin was powdery looking, later becoming scaley. There was a strong "doggy" odor to the shaved places. In my most dramatic case, during a bath most of the hair washed off of the dog, very like a person who loses hair during chemotherapy. This particular dog grew a sparse wirey terrier-like coat eventually. Later, her skin got thick and tough. In many instances I understand that it is very difficult to see, as it is localized and the patches get lost in the unaffected areas. There was no itching or apparent discomfort. The hair loss was not patterned as it usually is in thyroid or hormonal disorders. In some cases it does resemble flea allergy dermatitis, but without the itching and the scaling is different. At first I thought my black dog was turning blue or even silver, an illusion caused by the powdery scale. Places on the white dogs turned orange. One of them had a chronic staph infection. My subclinical dogs died with every hair on their bodies intact; there were NO visible signs that there was a problem.

-- Anonymous, September 17, 1998

I have a 5 year old girl who has had SA for over a year now. At first it was just bad dandruff with no hair loss and vets kept telling me it was thyroid . Well after a skin punch with a canine dermatologist the truth came out. For 10nmonthes we kept it in control but this summer she deveoped scaling skin where it would peel off like a snake and her hair started to thin between hind legs and generally thin. We never reached the patchy hair loss stage.i give her oil treatments ( except i was lax this summer with my hectic work schedule, which i believe was responsible for her deterioration. I also find using Humilac between tratments to really help keep skin moist and flaking away. We have not experienced any infections or bad odors and she is affected all over.

-- Anonymous, October 01, 1998

I have a Std Poodle with S.A.I give her mineral oil baths every 2 weeks.leave the oil on for an hour than bath off with Dawn dish soap.If your dog has a bad case you should do it once a week till you get it under control.The reason I use mineral oil over baby oil is because the skin is less flaky.My dog has had it for 4 years.She is doing great.Good luck with your dog.I know it will work.

-- Anonymous, September 26, 1999

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