ticket pricesgreenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
Could you please tell me what the ticket prices were for 1st class, 2nd class, and 3rd class fares on the Titanic. I never heard these quoted on any of the Titanic documentaries. Would need the figures in U.S. dollar amounts to understand. Know that Captain Smith was paid in pounds (which, unfortunately don't mean much to me); that was on the TLC Titanic documentary. He was the highest paid sea captain. Thank you for the information!
-- Donna Bechtel (cully76@pottsville.infi.net), September 05, 1998
If you check the "Historical" thread there is a posting "tickets" where I already wrote the 1912 prices for the third class. They are in 1912 dollars, so you need to compare them with other prices of the time. Or use the inflation index. I don't have the prices for the first and second class, though. I hope I could be of some help to you, Donna.
-- Dan Draghici (ddraghic@sprint.ca), September 05, 1998.
1st class tickets were 870 pounds
-- Trowe Does (babyangel@hotmail.com), June 08, 2003.
First class Parlour suites(4) :4250
First Class Berth: 150
Third: 36-40to see the relation to todays prices, go to http://www.aier.org/cgi- bin/colcalculator.cgi
Wish u well!
By the way, do u know ne other Prices?
-- Kasai (kasaikiree@yahoo.com), July 07, 2003.