Pacific Gas & Electric running out of time : LUSENET : Electric Utilities and Y2K : One Thread

Concerning its critical embedded systems, Pacific Gas & Electric has this to say at its website,

"PG&E has recently completed an enterprise-wide inventory of all embedded systems to assess the degree of Year 2000 compliance. We expect to complete assessment of all critical embedded systems and to repair or replace those systems found to be non-compliant by the fourth quarter of 1999."

Sounds like PG&E is going down to the wire in making its own "critical" embedded systems Y2K compliant. If they have not even completed their assessment yet, how comfortable can they be that all of the repairs and replacements can be completed on time? Not a comforting thought. If you follow the logic that PG&E is probably more on-top of this issue than some of the smaller utility companies that contribute electricity to PG&E's power grid, you become a bit more concerned. Then there is the issue of interconnectivity and the possible need to test the power grid to make sure that bad data from one embedded system in the grid does not corrupt the operations of another embedded system receiving that data. PG&E does not appear to leave any time for testing its repairs (and those of the other participants in the power grid). Isn't testing of the power grid an important element in a well-designed Y2K compliance plan for a utility company? Am I missing something here, or is PG&E's statement of the status of its program truly alarming?

-- Anonymous, September 01, 1998


Dear Marc,

I feel your post is very important and insightful. If you take what PG&E says literally, then is clear that they won't have time for full up system testing and repair. I don't think you are missing a thing. You are spot on target. Their statement is a reflection of their status and it is truly alarming.

Steve Tomczak

-- Anonymous, September 03, 1998

A friend is working on the gear that processes the incoming accnts receivable, all embedded systems stuff. Informally, the workers don't think the gear will be finished till Jun00. He told me what they are doing. I did the arithemetic. 22 man years just in that one office, and there are several offices. mitch

-- Anonymous, September 08, 1998

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