tickets : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

What were the prices of the tickets to get on the titanic?

-- (, September 01, 1998


According to a 1912 newspaper/poster ad that appears in "Titanic - Legacy of the World's Greatest Ocean Liner," by Susan Wells, Time Life Books, 1998, the Third class tickets were priced as it follows:

$36.25 to Plymouth, Southmapton, London, Liverpool and Glasgow;

$41.50 to Copehnhagen, Malmo etc;

$44.50 to Stockholm, Helsingfors/Helsinki;

$45.00 to Hamburg, Cherbourg, Amsterdam etc;

$48.00 to Turin;

$52.50 to Naples;

$55.00 to Pireus (Greece);

$61 to Beyrouth.

All prices are from New York and expressed in 1912 US dollars.

-- Dan Draghici (, September 01, 1998.

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