Where can I get info on the Rose doll that is suppose to be coming out?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread

I have been searching since May 98 for a Rose doll.

Now that there's word they are being released, I'd like to get as much information as I possibly can about it. Who? How much? When? Where? Where can I see one?

All I know is FAO Schwarz is coming out with a very expensive ($395) one (http://www.faoschwarz.com/shopping/index.html) and Galoob is suppose to come out with one. But, has anyone seen the one from Galoob?

Does anybody know anything else?

Please let me know.

-- nlf (fowlernl@nbnet.nb.ca), August 29, 1998


Hi, I read an article in my town's newspaper that said Galoob's dolls will cost around $70 and reach stores in mid-late October.

-- Lynae Anderson (lynaeanderson@yahoo.com), September 13, 1998.

Go to www.galoob.com They just posted her picture today (Tuesday, Sept. 15). Go to the bottom of the page and you'll see Titanic (NEW). Click on that and that's where you'll find her picture. I really think that the doll looks great! IMO, I think she looks better than the FAO doll, and she's alot cheaper too!

-- Melinda Crawford (dolphinsjam@webtv.net), September 16, 1998.

Go to www.galoob.com They just posted her picture today (Tuesday, Sept. 15). Go to the bottom of the page and you'll see Titanic (NEW). Click on that and that's where you'll find her picture. I really think that the doll looks great! IMO, I think she looks better than the FAO doll, and she's alot cheaper too!

-- Melinda Crawford (dolphinsjam@webtv.net), September 16, 1998.

Okay, I just checked out that web site and I think her hair looks way too wild. It looks like she stuck her finger in an electrical socket. But other than that, she does look nice :-)

-- Emma (dilemma76@hotmail.com), September 16, 1998.

This is the new Rose doll webpage.

-- Thomas M. Terashima (titanicshack@yahoo.com), September 17, 1998.

Thanks everyone for letting me know where I could see the doll.

I agree with Emma (dilemma76@hotmail.com) about her hair being frizzy, it looks silly. Although, I'm sure after being in a box for a while, the hair won't be so bad when you get it out of the box.

I like the look of Galoob's doll. It looks pretty good. I almost like it better than FAO Schwarz's version.

Thanks again.

-- nlf (fowlernl@nbnet.nb.ca), September 17, 1998.

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