music video : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread |
i am not very good at finding items on the internet and i was wondering if music video cd's were available, if so where would i find them. All help greatfully accepted. Thank Col.
-- colin dyer (, August 27, 1998
Depends on what groups you're looking for.... HKPOP has some Cantonese-language music video VCDs. They're at might try doing a Yahoo ( or Alta Vista ( search for "Music VCD".
-- Russil Wvong (, August 28, 1998.
I found this site: It is in California. Have never ordered from them. They have american titles.
-- Jack Moy (, August 29, 1998.
hi col, try this people in marrickville,sydney... Fame Digital Vision - Tel:(02)9560-5622rem
-- rem (, October 28, 1998.
u could download ur music videos with kazaa im mpg form and burn them on to a cd if u like.
-- stephen G (, April 13, 2002.
Hi there, I'm stationed in Hong Kong, if you guys looking for any movies or whatever , feel free to contact me at
-- Melvin (, March 09, 2004.
Jimmy Hendricks "Are you experienced" album has some funky cd-i graphics included on it. I dont recommed wathing if you have epileptic seizures!
-- weatherjack (, September 04, 2004.