USING EPS DISK : LUSENET : Kurzweil Users : One Thread

How do you duplicate a EPS sample disk sound with 3 or more layers? And get the same response as if you were playing the EPS? The sound is a EPS factory upright bass with 3 patch settings plus the original sound.

-- BEBOP (, August 26, 1998


If you don't have access to the EPS any longer its a little more difficult for comparisons sake. However the K2500/K2000 can easily duplicate the orginal sound of the EPS and more likely make it better than the orignal. Often when you load in an Ensoniq sound, you get more layers than the patch actually uses. Ensoniq would have additional layers that were only active when you used the Patch Select buttons. So more than likely, not all of those layers are being used. After you load in the EPS disk, press EDIT. Press the Setup button, this will mute all layers except the one you are currently looking at. You can use the CHAN/Bank buttons to scroll through the layers, to find out which ones you really want to use. Delete the layers that you don't want. After than, its simply a matter of programming the envelopes and filter settings you want. Another method is to start with an existing Kurzweil program that is similar and simply change the KEYMAP to one that you loaded in. That way most of the work is done for you!!

Thanks for visting the K2500 Zone forum. Mike Martin

-- Mike Martin (, September 23, 1998.

Hi Mike,

So am I correct in assuming that the K2000 can't load program data from an EPS? What I mean by that is, it only loads in the keymap and layer assignments and not the envelope and filter settings?

-- Galen Beals (, March 11, 1999.

You are correct. It will read the samples and the keymaps but none of the filter/envelope information. Potentially you can do much more on the K2. Do this, if you are loading EPS bass sound, load it in. THen pick one of the ROM based programs and change the keymap to the samples you loaded in.

-- Mike Martin (, March 11, 1999.

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