Need advice : LUSENET : Dirck Halstead : One Thread

Hi pals, I'm young Polish free-lance journo. For 5 years I've travelled to remote places in Asia (like Mongolia, Kashmir, Nagorno-Karabakh or Abkhazia, for example) with my girl-friend (soon - wife) who is free-lance photographer. I write articles for biggest Polish newspapers and magazines and I've already published a lot but now I think about combining it with video-filming. I'm fledgeling in this matter so I need some advice. This November I and my just-married wife set off to South Asia again. We intend to stay there at least one year covering current events and doing our own projects for Polish newspapers/magazines. I'll bring small Hi8 Sony video-camcorder with me. I know it's not good enough for TV broadcast, because TV stations uses Betacam format but I just can't afford to buy it. I think about doing typical free-lance TV journalism there like contacting rebel guerrillas, going to very remote places etc., i.e. all these things that regular staff reporters don't do due to different reasons, e.g. time or security. So I'd go somewhere, make footage and then go to regional bureaus of big world's TV stations in order to sell my work. I need advice, both technical and "logistical", especially regarding South Asian conditions. Any tips will be highly appreciated. Thanks in advance. Cheers!

-- Piotr Gaszynski (, August 25, 1998

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