Recovered electric light switch from the Titanics wireless : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
From the RMST 1998 Expedition Calendar (day 22):"P.H. climbs out, dressed in white coveralls. It was a frustrating dive. He and the two pilotsPatrick Cheilan and Xavier Placaudwere not able to bring up the door, but they did succeed in recovering a round electric light switch from the Titanics wireless roomwhere, 86 years ago, John Philips and Harold Bride transmitted the Titanics last urgent calls for help. P.H. immediately gives the switch, in a water-filled plastic bag, to the expeditions conservators, Marielle Boucharat and Olivier Berger of Frances LP3 Conservation. Marielle places it in a foam-lined basin and keep it continuously covered with fresh water while they make their first assessment. Although the light switch looks like it is painted white and red, it is actually made almost entirely of white porcelain. The red coloration, Marielle tells me, is merely the stain of iron oxidation. Three wires are still attached to the back surface of the switch, and the manufacturers stamp is still visible: "LEKTRIK Patent Trademark," by appointment to His Majesty the King".
-- Dan Draghici (, August 24, 1998
Check out the photo of the electrical switch:
-- Dan Draghici (, August 24, 1998.