I am Looking for C.of G. documents (1845 - 1885)greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread |
I will pay fair price for any Central of Georgia documents produced during the time period (1845 - 1885).
-- Ron Shaw (ronshaw@atlanta.com), August 23, 1998
Ron, You may want to look at the ebay.com aution site. There are a good many articles as timetables, passes and the like posted and you can bid what you deem a fair price.
-- David Godwin (WDGodwin@aol.com), April 21, 1999.
Ron, What specifically is "fair price?" And how about documents (copies, not the real things of course) dating from 1820s to 1850s? I'm doing a research project on the early construction of the railroad and about the incorporation of the company and you know, things like how it affected different regions of Georgia and the like. So fill me in.
-- (maik@mcmail.mc.peachnet.edu), October 21, 1998.