Name of Southern RR Train (1942) : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I'm looking for the name of the Washington-Atlanta-Birmingham train that was scheduled to leave Washington Union Station at 2pm during the month of May of 1942. I suspect it was the Crescent, but I'm not sure.


Byron Scott

-- Byron Scott (, August 18, 1998


This question would be more appropriate for the Southern Rwy. Q and A Forum on the SRHA web site,

However to answer the question, from the May 1942 Sou. Rwy. Timetable, Train no. 35, Washington, Atlanta, and New Orleans Express, departed Washington at 2pm and arrived Atlanta at 6:30am the next day. To get to Birmingham, you had to transfer to Train No. 7 leaving at 8am and arriving Birmingham at 11:55am. The Atlanta-NO portion of the train was via A&WP-WRRofA-L&N.

The Crescent did not serve Birmingham.

-- Jack Wyatt (, August 18, 1998.

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