Are there any rides available? : LUSENET : Burning Man : One Thread |
I would like to apologise if this is not the proper forum for this sort of question, but I just discovered that my ride will not be available to BM this year; and I MUST GO!!!If anyone is going south down I-5, would you be willing to take along another passenger? I live in Salem Oregon and will ride down strapped to your roof, if that is what it takes.
I already have my ticket, and will bring my own food and water(or contribute to a pre-existing pool if that is your preference). Basically, I am just saying that I am very flexible.
Thanx in advance, and please send me any pointers to other places(possibly more appropriate) where I might be able to track down wheels down there...
-- Danzhik Fenderson (, August 14, 1998
Anyone know any information for the 2002 event?
-- plas ter (, February 21, 2002.
If any one needs a ride to burnning man 02...My friends and I are taking a bus so we will have plent of room. Aaron clark
-- Aaron Clark (, March 31, 2001.