C of Ga artifacts

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

I am looking for artifacts marked for the "C of Ga"...and other Ga,Fla and Ala. RR's..especially interested in lanterns and marked globes, brass locks and keys, dining car china or silver, and pre-1900's paper items. Willing to pay fair prices for nice pieces. All responses answered.

-- Robert Yancey (xxcrossing@aol.com), August 07, 1998


I found a C of G fire bucket and wanted to know how common they are. You can see a picture of it by going here: http://www.homestead.com/StagmiesALRailpics/files/bucket.jpg It's posted on my web site, Dale's Alabama Rail Pic's.

-- Dale E. Burns (burns186@bellsouth.net), November 29, 2001.

I don't know if your still interested...but there is a lock with the C of Ga markings on it for bid on www.ebay.com It was only about 30 dollars.

-- Matt BUck (Matt_buck13@hotmail.com), January 29, 1999.

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