Rare Titanic Photogreenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
A Canadian Press newspaper article indicated that the Vancouver Maritime Museum has a rare stern view of the Titanic leaving the Southampton docks for its first & last voyage on April 10, 1912. The photo was taken by engineer Henry Clarke who passed it to his daughter who donated it to the museum in 1968. The museum hopes to earn funds from the sale of photo reporductions.
-- bDamboise (bdamboise@sprint.ca), August 03, 1998
thanks mom
-- william edwards (wewe@autr.edu), April 16, 2002.
I think the exact same way
-- Blaire Buyer (bbeyer_2005@hotmail.com), April 03, 2003.
the titanic didnt sink it was its sister oceanic. we found this out in our history lesson with Mr price at aireville school
-- kim and lisa (asl@aqipiu.net), November 20, 2003.
-- ravi karotiya (ravi_karotiya@yahoo.com), May 14, 2004.