cg print : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

Does any one know where I can get a copy of the print "Georgia Thoroughbeds" by Robert Karsten? The picture shows 2 CG trains @ Millen.

-- chad young (, July 22, 1998


get ahold of Talmadge Fries, owner of the Cotton Gin/Cotton Patch florist and gifts in Millen, he sells the print.

-- Chris Jeselnik (, February 17, 2001.

You might want to check out this site on the internet. There is a copy of Karsten's "Georgia Thoroughbeds" for sale along with some other goodies. Enjoy!

John Walker 8405 Jolima Ave. Norfolk, VA 23518-2219

-- John Ross Walker, US Navy (Retired) (, August 23, 2000.

These prints were issued in limited edition by Charles Britton of The Trainmaster hobby shop in Montgomery, Ala. In fact the Millen print was his second CofGa print subject. His business suffered a fire several years ago and his print sideline seems to have been discontinued. However you might contact Charles and see if he ever gets his hands on any of the prints. I dont know if he does but its worth a try.

-- Rick Perry (, July 31, 1998.

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