CofGA "brain plates" : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread

First, I must admit that I am a beginner in CofGA history, but have become increasingly more interested since TVRM (I am a conductor and fireman there) started running trips down the old CofGA main from Chattanooga. My question is: Did the Central have brain plates with their name and/or logo on them as many other roads had? I have been told that this is not the case, but I want to hear it from some more knowledgeable authories than the person I got it from. BTW, brain plate is an old railroader's term for the plates/badges affixed to the hats of passenger service crew members usually designating the employee's position, i.e., BRAKEMAN, CONDUCTOR, AGENT, BAGGAGE MASTER, FLAGMAN, etc. Thanks in advance for any info on this.

-- Mike Brown (, July 17, 1998


After checking a couple of photos in "The Right Way", the CofG magazine, I would say that the CofG did not have cap badges bearing the company name. They appear to have only the job designatin - i e, "Conductor", "Flagman" etc.

The photos I checked were from the 1950's and 1960's. I cannot address other eras.

Hope this helps.

Bob Hanson

-- Robert H. Hanson (, July 18, 1998.

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