SC's Stuff : LUSENET : Writers_Workshop_Test : One Thread

SC's stuff

-- SC (, July 03, 1998



If women had tails and men had none
Do you suppose it might be fun
For women to dress them in bows and such
To curl and comb their downy tufts
Would they enhance them for admiration
Or try to conceal their great temptation
Whatever the case, it's sure we males
Would do anything to stroke those tails

Copyright 1998 by Steve Cowell

-- SC (, July 03, 1998.


The computer fan purrs as the keys lightly tap
A few precious hours while my wife has a nap
Your words flash before me, of love deep and true
And though you're far way, I am right there with you
When we are together, we're like bride and groom
We whisper our secrets in our private room
We thrill to the romance conspiracy brings
And sometimes we talk of the sexiest things
If only, if only, we often repeat
If only we lived within distance to meet
The anguish and longing I feel in my heart
Can never be quenched while we still are apart
Surely so few have sweet moments like this
Our words are so special, creating such bliss
You must love me greatly, I think in my dreams
But sometimes I wonder if it's what it seems
Your face is a mystery, your body unknown
But I am enamored of what you have shown
A postage stamp picture of beauty contrived
I sit here convinced that my love has arrived
So when you decided to show your real face
A snapshot you scanned at the copy shop place
I wasn't expecting a great beauty queen
But never expected what showed on my screen
I've just a few moments to tell you, my dear
I must have a problem, I'm crashing, I fear
My screen is distorted, I know something's wrong
If I don't come back, well, don't worry too long
I think I've decided to give up the chat
I know that my wife would appreciate that
My Internet service will soon just go "poof"
So goodbye, take care, and by the way, "woof!"

-- SC (, July 03, 1998.

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