E8A Color Patterngreenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread |
I want to try a CofG E8 locomotive for my HO layout. Could some of you folks who know the real details advise me of the colors to use and the placement from the roof to the trucks. I have a lithograph of one that seems to show black roof,light gray, orange stripe,med blue,orange stripe,black or dark blue, med blue again and lt gray on the battan. Any help or suggestions greatly appreciated. Walt Thompson. wlthompson@kih.net
-- Walter L. Thompson (wlthompson@kih.net), June 29, 1998
Walt --I agree with Allen. The CofG paint scheme is beautiful. In fact, the paint scheme was the "hook" that got me interested in the Central to begin with. The band in the middle of the side was black. The CofG's scheme had been inspired by the B&O and the colors were based on that, though with the differences that make the Central's paint scheme even more attractive than the B&O's, in my opinion. The MRG article Allen refers to is one of the first of the new wave of southeastern-oriented articles that, fortunately for us, are more prevalent than ever before. Personally, I think that the gray used in the MRG article is too light and the blue is too "electric." I like the colors found on the re-issued Atlas GP7s. They look like they're closer to the original.
-- Marc
-- Marc Burcham (mburcha@ibm.net), July 03, 1998.
Walt,The Central's blue/grey scheme has to be the most beautiful paint scheme ever applied to an E unit. Hopefully, we can convince Life-Like to include Central of Georgia in a future release of E8s and E7s. The October 1996 issue of Model Railroading Magazine has a wonderful article by Mark Sharp on painting and modeling CG E8s. It includes masking, painting, and detailing instructions for No. 811 and 812 in both the blue/grey scheme and the Illinois Central style chocolate/orange scheme. Microscale decal set No. 87-382 includes accurate lettering for the blue/grey E (and F) units along with basic painting instructions. I would highly suggest that you get the October 1996 Model Railroading article. Check with the publisher at 1 (888) 338-1700 for availability.
-- Allen Tuten (ahtuten@aol.com), June 30, 1998.