Where can I get a Pattern of Rose's Red & Black Dress? {-e-}greenspun.com : LUSENET : TitanicShack : One Thread |
Could you please tell me where I can get a pattern of Rose's Black and Red sequined dress that she wore on the night she came down the grand starircase. I would dearly love to make the dress for my high school grad and I can't seem to find any patterns here in Australia.
-- Shanon Cinitis (Petercin@Hunterlink.net.au), June 09, 1998
Hey! I am currently buying dresses from a lady who makes most all of them. Her e-mail adress is KateWinslet@goplay.com. This would really help her out - she's getting low numbers of visitors. Her site is www.angelfire.com/vt/vicky24. good luck!!!
-- (rdavies@deltanet.com), August 14, 1998.