online video-out signal? : LUSENET : Imaging Resource Discussion : One Thread

Video out?

i need a digitalcamera with online video-out signal for internet-use on top of my pc-monitor. Do you know such cameras?

thanks Peter

-- Peter Wattenhofer (, June 07, 1998


The Oly 220L/320L and I believe the 340L as well will do this. I would of course recommend the ac adapter. ;)

You should be able to find the 220L (640x480 res, but not so important for live imaging) for under $250.

-- dune (, June 10, 1998.

I have a DSC-F1 from SONY and simply LOVE it! It has a Video-Out port and an Infra-Red Port ... its size is a major benefit -- just 3" x4" with built-in flash, self-timer, and setting for exposure (Auto 0, +1, +2, -1, -2); Shutter speed (Auto, 1/7.5, 1/15, 1/30, 1/100, 1/250, 1/500, and 1/1000); Record Mode (Single, Continuous, Time Machine, and Multi Screen); Image Quality (Fine, Standard, Snapshot); Flash Adjustment (0, +1, +2, -1, -2); Date and Time; Wireless (Infra-Red) and Serial (9600, 19200, and 38,400). The "PLAY" MENU contains "Search", "Zoom", "Slide Show", "Protect", "Delete", "Transfer", "Prin t", "Date", "Wireless", and "Serial" settings.

You can use Power Point to create a "slide presentation" (not necessary, but adds some nice enhancements), and copy the "slide" back to the camera. It's really "neat" to walk into a conference room with a 3" x 4" "device", plug a cable into a TV (video-in) and "click" from slide to slide or push one button for a "continuous slide show". Needless to say, I like the DSC-F1 (I don't work for SONY as you will see from my continuing comments!) I think the MAVICA w/ floppies is probably a good idea from a pure marketing point of view -- I hear that they're selling very well. BUT, I think Sony made a mistake in "abandoning" the DSC-F1 ... in my opinion, this is the quintessential example of "if it ain't broke, don't fix it"!! They could have enhanced this little "jewel" and continued it in the line.

I have amused myself and others by taking pictures with this "spy camera" size unit with nobody being aware that I was taking a picture -- talk about pure "candid shots"!

My ONLY complaints are in the area of Software (ArcSoft Photo Studio) and the " .pmp " format used by SONY ... It is a bit "cumbersome" to convert to .jpg or .bmp and to "manipulate" photos within the "Albums". Sony should look to some other software developers with more of a "marketing approach". A great improvement would be a simple utility to convert "all" photos into .jpg or .bmp, etc., as they are imported from the camera into a file within an Album. Also, the flash unit poses a bit of a challenge -- I have been "washing out" photos with the flash -- being too close to the subject ... And finally, after pouring over the instruction manuals, going on-line to download the latest Sony software and Microsoft Infra-red version, I still CANNOT get the Infra-Red feature to work. If anybody can help me, I would most appreciate jumping from 38,400 to 115K for image transfer!!

Hope this helps!

-- James Ristow (, June 11, 1998.

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