Central RR & Banking #2greenspun.com : LUSENET : Central of Georgia Railway Historical Soc : One Thread |
Am still trying to locate any information on this 55 ft inspection car. Car is believed to have been built circa 1878 and by late 1890's was listed as c of ga inspection car #2. Was last air brake tested in l954(?) and was moved to Jackson Gap, Ala. in 1980's "she" was moved 60 miles south for preservation. My gut feeling is car may have been built as different confiquration(perhaps coach). Existing hardware is mainly from midwest USA, don't know if this could lead to builder or just happens to be hardware that was applied to car over time. Can any of you help shed any light to this? Any photos are greatly desired. Thanks
-- Rick Perry (railsend@mindspring.com), June 06, 1998
An update. Recent research points to CRR&B #2 to have been built by Ohio Falls Car Co in Jeffersonville, Ind. Evidence is not conclusive but does point that way. Ohio Falls became part of ACF.
-- Rick Perry (railsend@mindspring.com), April 19, 1999.