Half Dome NWRR rack

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

I'm interested in hearing from anyone who has climbed the Northwest Regular Route on Half Dome within the last two years as to the recommended rack. This would be for a multi-day ascent by someone who actually plans to climb it as a 5.9 A1 (meaning that I would aid anything harder than 5.9). I'm really not interested in hauling up a bunch of gear I don't need, but don't want to get stranded in the Zig Zags without enough of the right gear.

As a side question, how much of the fixed stuff has fallen out by now?


-- Ron Heinsman (heinsman@ms4.hinet.net), June 03, 1998


Pretty standard fare. I think we took two sets of nuts and double cams up to #2 camalot. A single #3 and #4 camalot will suffice for the big gear. A few small tricams may prove useful as well. The climbing is super fun and there are many stiff 5.9 pitches on which you find yourself yanking gear! :) We fixed the first two pitches on the day we hiked in. We then bivied at P.11 and P.17. Have a blast!

-- David Hill (dfhill@ecn.purdue.edu), June 04, 1998.

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